
Showing posts from July, 2019

"Deeply boring and deeply embarrassing"

Annie Thériault  has it exactly right in  this thread : Depression is equal parts deeply boring and deeply embarrassing. Everyone’s always like, “reach out!” and “you can talk to me any time!” but let me tell you from my wealth of experience that 96% of people don’t want to hear you rehash your unstable self-image for the 371st time   People love hearing the dramatic bits; stories about hospitalizations are surefire, as long as you can maintain the balance of seeming like a credible narrator (not an easy thing to do when the story starts out with you doing something ill-advised, as most hospital stories do) But 99.9999999999999999% of conversations about me being depressed are like “hi, yeah, I hate myself, same as yesterday. I feel that I am very incompetent at everything! I’ve added a few fresh details to the catechism of Why I Am A Monster, but functionally it’s the same.” Then there are just further layers of like, Is Talking About This A Brave Disclosure Or Am I Just Doing