
Showing posts from September, 2019

All My Best-Laid Plans are F*cked

I scheme, I plan, I plot. I research. I schedule. And then I stop. When the shiny newness has flaked off, once the apple's gone dull and soft, after crisp has been traded for creased and it's all smudges and fingermarks and dog-ears, I stop. Full. Stop. It's a problem.  And of course -- of course! -- my response is to try to solve the wrong problem. Because my issue isn't that I haven't found the precise perfect personalized system to G et T hings D one. My issue is that I have no energy to accomplish things and no belief in my ability to do so. I'm willing to work; I'm just not willing to fail. And when failure feels inevitable as well as crushing, what's the point? 


This broke my heart, in a goodish way -- Some of you need to know that not everyone is mad at you, not everyone is annoyed by you, not everyone finds your existence a burden. Don’t let the illusions of worry sap you of joy and deep friendship. The world is enriched by your presence in it. — the library haunter 🦉🎃 (@SketchesbyBoze) September 6, 2019 Wish I could ever believe it. Still, what a lovely, thoughtful thing to launch into the world, yes?