
Showing posts from February, 2020

And we're back!

From our commercial break? From Narnia? To life (and reality)? Door number three, I think. Sort of. This has been a dark and paralyzing winter. I speak of my internal season, not the actual terrifying climate-changed mildness we experienced here. When I am not working (and I am still not) and my drugs have not been working optimally (and they have not), as I descend deeper and deeper in the bathysphere of my own tedious psyche, I eventually become too intellectually detached and emotionally exhausted to actually take my drugs. With (eventually) predictable clinical results, so thanks, Science! Although I could have used a reminder that this was a Stupid, Ill-Advised, Very Bad Damaging Thing to Do. Particularly because the drugs I kept forgetting existed included those for other chronic conditions. Shame shame shame. But here I am! Popping back up again, like bad pennies and good gardens! To a universal lack of notice, which, frankly, is actually something of a comfort. The fewer